From Boring to Thrilling!

Hello again! I have been terrible about blogging lately. First nothing was happening so I had nothing to blog about, and then I got busy and I didn't have any time to blog!

So the beginning of the week was pretty boring. I didn't have class so I studied, watched tons of movies and worked out. But things got more exciting as the week went on. On Thursday my aunt had a baby girl!

Welcome to the family
Brooke Linda Bosse!

Friday morning I had a farewell breakfast with my friend Pete and then I went with Meredith and Mandy to see The Lucky One. As you probably know, I'm a sucker for chick flicks (and Zach Efron...) so I loved it! Friday night I got to hang out with a ton of my friends which was really fun. 

I'm a sucker for a good love story!

Saturday I volunteered for a math competition in the morning and when I got home I was REALLY tired. I promised Meredith that I would go salsa dancing with her at 7 but the last thing I wanted to do was put on a dress and look like an idiot learn to dance. Surprisingly, once we got there we had a blast! It started with a beginners lesson and then there was a party with about 40 people of all skill levels salsaing the night away! We got to dance with people who really know how to dance which makes you look like you know how to dance. I can't wait to go back next year.
The professional dancers were totally laughing at us!
Today is another typical lazy Sunday so I'm just lounging around and studying more...ugh!

How was your week?

Have you had something that way exceeded your expectations lately?


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