Finally, as promised, here is the story of Meredith's and my voyage to Maryland.
So we woke up early so that we could get on the road. Ann Arbor is close to Ohio so that was our first stop. We got breakfast and coffee and then kept on going.
My first time to Ohio! So many farms! |
Next, we crossed in to Pennsylvannia. We were trying to get lunch in Pittsburgh but we got SO lost that we just gave up, left the city and got lunch about an hour later at a McDonalds in a rest stop.
Pittsburgh seemed like such an awesome city but with all
the bridges it was so confusing. I hope to get back
there this summer. |
Meredith's first time in Pennsylvania! |
We saw an accident between 2 tractor trailors getting cleaned
up but we were able to get around it fairly easily. |
From there, with the help of signs and my knowledge of Western Maryland (my grandmother has a cabin there so we go up a lot) we navigated our way to my house.
Driving in to Baltimore! |
We did have to make one more stop for gas and some Maryland junk food.
"Crabcakes and football, that's what
Maryland does." We got some Tasty
Cakes too! |
All in all it was a really fun trip. The scenery was beautiful and we got to listen to LOTS of country music.
Where is the farthest place that you have ever driven?
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