Auntie Em, Auntie Em!
Today was no ordinary Thursday; this afternoon there was a tornado (hence the title)! To be honest it didn't really do any damage or anything but it was the first time that I have actually had to wait in a basement during a tornado warning. When we get them in Maryland we usually ignore them but this one touched down at a city to our North and a city to our South. During the 2 hour warning time we also got almost 5 inches of rain and lots of hail. Luckily we'll have lovely weather for the rest of the weekend.
I love musicals! I was actually in this play in 6th grade! |
The other highlight of the evening was playing inner tube water polo. It is a completely ridiculous game but it was really fun! It was also good to get in some exercise since my dance aerobics class was cancelled due to the storm.
This isn't us but it's exactly what we looked like. It was a blast! |
Stay tuned for a post about the ball I am going to tomorrow!
Have you been in any strange weather events?
Did you/do you play any intramural sports in college?
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