Bye Bye May!

Since I've been doing Wednesday confessions, I haven't really let you know what I've been up to in the month of May. Here's some of the highlights. We started off commissioning the Seniors to be Ensigns and 2nd Lieutenants in the Navy and Marine Corps. All of the rising Juniors minus Rob. The next day, I went to commencement where the CEO of twitter spoke. Watch his awesome speech here . Putting up the flag for graduation. A few days later we celebrated Meghan's birthday with a nice dinner at Sava's. Happy Birthday Meg! And we went to a Michigan baseball game. And had a bonfire at Aaron's house. Meghan and I went to Cedar Point. Then this past weekend Dolly and Brodie came to visit! And we all went up to Sean's to celebrate Memorial Day on the lake! It's been quite a month. Let's see what June brings us! What was the highlight of your May?