For most students finals week is full of caffeine, all nighters, and endless days at the library. But nursing students are a bit different. We run around like chickens with our heads cut off the rest of the semester and finals week is a break for us. This finals week I'm going to try and do some of those things that I haven't had time for all semester.
I went ice skating at Yost, the U of M Ice Arena.
Skating was definitely a struggle for me... |
And tomorrow I'm going to Blimpy Burger. It made it on to Diners Drive Ins and Dives but the University is buying the property so I have to go before it moves to a new location!
I can't wait! |
I'm going to do my Christmas shopping.
I surely will not be buying this many things. |
And make some treats for our Navy Christmas party. I can't put a picture of those cause it's a surprise!
And yes...there will be some studying.
So for all of you having a terrible finals week, try and do something just a little bit fun and Christmasy. It only comes once a year!
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