"There is no sincerer love than the love of food."

Some guy said that and it came up when I searched "food quotes." But let's be real here, who doesn't love food?

Since I just moved into a house with 5 friends (stay tuned for a post on how we decorated our place!), I've been doing all of my own grocery shopping and cooking. Ann Arbor is a great place for eating, there's a gourmet grocery store right down the street, a farmer's market twice a week and the produce in the grocery stores is much cheaper than at home. Here's a quick look at some delicious things I've been cooking.
Black bean burger, zucchini and
watermelon from the farmer's
market (It's yellow, weird, I know)
Grilled chicken, sweet potato, spinach, strawberries
and avocado.
Red grapes and chocolate covered figs.

As you can see, I definitely haven't been surviving off of Ramen and frozen pizzas. I think when I work to prepare my own healthy meals then they are just much more enjoyable. 

What do you like to cook for yourself?


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