Woes of a Babysitter

So now that I'm back in Ann Arbor I feel like I have to write an end of summer post. But instead of giving you a play by play of what I did, I thought some babysitting tales would be more interesting.

As many of you know, I didn't get a job this summer. Instead I babysat whenever I was home. The thing with babysitting is that you never know what's going to happen.

For instance:

You could show up to find this in the driveway

This is a Ford F650 that used to belong to a Raven's player!

Or this in the sink

Frozen mice thawing to be fed to the snake,
not what you want to see at 7 am.

Or this on the counter

Or frankly, you could show up to an empty house (you wouldn't believe how many times this has happened to me)

And then there's the critters:

Sometimes they're normal

Dex is a cutie
And sometimes they're not

Spike the bearded dragon. I'll stick with mammals.
And sometimes you step on a giant gross bug!

This thing was huge!
But the real reason you come is for the kids

That can be bad

But usually it's tons of fun

Baking fairy cookies.

And eating them.

That's one way to get kids to eat carrots!

Baking personal pizzas

So that's what I've been doing this summer in between my traveling. It's a pretty great job if I do say so myself.

Do you have any good babysitting stories?


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