Christmas Eve

It is now less than an hour before Christmas and the children accross the world are nestled all snug in their beds...I'm included in that! Christmas is definately MUCH less exciting when you don't believe but it is fun to expericece it through the eyes of children. Julia and Olivia (Izzy was at school) all ready for Christmas! That brings me to what I have been doing so far over break. I babysat on Friday; the 3 little girls are as cute as can be and one even got me a present from her school christmas bazaar. It was nice to see how excited they were for Santa to come (it also meant that they were very well behaved because they didn't want to be on the naughty list!) I have also been visiting with my friends and family because unlike at Thanksgiving, now I have time to spend with everyone. I saw the lights down town with 3 of my friends, then my friend Jackie stayed for me for 2 days. This was also the first year that I got to go to my high school cross country team...