
So I totally should be finishing packing instead of blogging but Memorial Day weekend was really blog worthy. I spent the weekend at one of my favorite places on Earth: Deep Creek Lake. This summer will be my 19th summer at the lake and I think I love it more and more each time. I drove up on Friday and my trip was really easy. My grandmother was already there and my aunt, uncle and cousins arrived about 2 hours later. I did a short hill workout and then it was time for dinner. Mountains in the background on the drive up. After dinner we had a nice bonfire and then I went to bed. It's like a blanket. Saturday was time to try out our new boat. Our old boat was over 30 years old and it just died 2 years ago. This boat is only 7 years old so it was quite an upgrade. So we packed up and headed down to the boat. And here's where things get interesting. We were out for no more than 2 minutes when crash, we ran into the back of another boat! My uncle has been driving b...