11 Things

So one of my favorite blogs Paleorunnergirl just did this post and I thought it would be fun! So here you go: 1. What is your favorite meal? You know…I really just love food. But these days I would have to say crab cakes and broccoli. 2. How many times have you been in love? Zero. 3. What is your Starbuck’s order? I used to work there so this is a very loaded question. Here are my top 5: -Tall soy no water chai light foam -Tall Americano in a Grande cup with extra room (I add 2% milk and equal myself) -Double tall soy latte light foam -Venti iced passion tea 6 shots sugar free vanilla, no classic light water light ice -Tall espresso frappacino, no frappucino roast skim milk no whip You had no idea how loaded of a question that was! 4. Action/Comedy/Drama/ or Romantic Comedy? Romantic comedies all.the.way. My favorite romcom. I like them all though! 5. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? When I was really little I liked Art...