Thailand Travel Tips

Hello! I wish I had written this post immediately after I had returned from Thailand but I suppose I'll just have to go from memory. Though there were some unfortunate parts of my trip (missing a flight from Hong Kong to Okinawa and having to buy a new one for $400) it was an amazing 10 days. My friend from high school KC and I met up in the Chiang Mai airport and headed to our Air BnB in the city's center. The room was quite simple but it had all the amenities we needed (air conditioning!!!) and the location was incredible. I would definitely recommend staying inside the walls of Chiang Mai if you can. I really liked Chiang Mai. It's just busy enough to be entertaining but not too overwhelming. We got multiple massages for under $10, spent a day playing with elephants, lounged by the pool, hit up the Sunday night market (hello souvenirs!), visited a few temples and took an incredible cooking class. From there we headed South to Koh Yao Noi, a small isla...